Potential Software Engineering candidates - via recruiter email, job post, LinkedIn, etc.
“Why this role is super compelling”
(1) Candidates know their potential co-workers are very smart, hardworking, and genuine people.
(2) Candidates feel like they know us, they can imagine being at our office; they can imagine interacting with us day to day.
(3) Candidates think the tech-stack and product are compelling.
(4) Candidates think the software team (and company) is having a important impact on the world, and will be successful.
Suggested Footage
- 2x half-days on-site in South San Francisco
- 30-60 minute interviews with each of 5-6 people
- ~2 hours in-office filming of the team at work
- ~2 filming content — hardware, code-on-screen, etc.
Suggested on-site crew
- x1 videographer
- x1 creative director / similar
Suggested equipment
- no need to go crazy
- x2 DSLR (4K), x2 lens (e.g. 50mm, 35mm), steadycam (Interviews should be 2 camera)
- No lighting required (probably); There is good natural light in the office.
- Decent audio setup for interviews, including ability to cancel background noise.
Primary Deliverable
2 minute video as described above. “Why this role is super compelling”
Secondary Deliverables (potential optional — we’d want these to be very cost effective)
Note: these would use the footage above — i.e. editing only.
- 2 minute video “how we build software”
- 2 minute video “why we do what we do”
- 2 minute video “what we’re looking for in a software developer”
- 2 minute video “how the product works”
- 2 minute video “why this is a hard & interesting problem”
- 2 minute video "why you'll make a huge difference in the role”
- ~x5 ~2 minute videos featuring each employee individually.
If possible / ideal
- All original footage, ideally cut-up and organized in Final Cut or Primer.
Things of potential future interest
- One-time set design / buildout for brand/product/content photography, videography, and livestream.
- Videos for: Brand, Product, Vision, Recruiting, Testimonial.
Clarifications ***
- The 2nd camera is for seated interviews, to provide an alternate angle. Assuming the A camera is on a tripod, the B camera could be actively panned in some way.
- Script: No script. I'm imagining that for this video, the story is developed as part of the editing process, with the footage available, and is not planned in advance.
- Interview content: We'd like to get your suggestions for interview questions, but my assumption is that we would provide the questions, and probably ask them as well. (or have the question appear on a screen, etc.).
- Interview length: I don't know what the right length is, but I'm imaging plenty of "let me try that again" etc., and a fairly large set of wide-ranging questions.
- Half days vs full days: We could probably go either way here. My thought was related to fatigue, and to the use of the natural light.