Maker Faire this weekend!

Hi everyone, this is Mark. I would like to invite you to visit our booth at Maker Faire this weekend, in San Mateo, California. If you can’t make it, be sure to follow us on twitter to see updates and pictures from the event!

What is Maker Faire? From there website,

“A two-day, family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement.”

I would call it something half way between a trade show and a party, filled with crazy inventions, hobbyists, small companies and big ideas. Joe and I attended last year as guests, but this year we are bringing a booth!

I don’t want to give it all away, but we’re planning on having a cool, interactive demo to show off Logic in action (which I built), and Joe and I will be at hard at work before then to see if we can get one or two really cool new software features ready to show off as well. (But I won’t promise anything!)

Open House

Also, if you are in town, but can’t make Maker Faire, you can still see our booth! We are having an open house at our office on May 24th. We will have our booth setup in our office the same way we will have it set up at Maker Faire.

All of the details are on our website:

This will be our second open house. We had our first one in February, which was a lot of fun!

I hope to see you there :)